
I want to welcome you to freedominmarketing.com. We started this website in hopes of helping others find reliable ways to make extra or full-time income online. Making money online or MMO can be easy and fun if you have the right training and know what you are doing. We hope to help supply you with the tools and knowledge to help guide you on your journey to financial success.

Our Story

I was once again browsing the weird side of YouTube when an add came across the screen where the guy gets out of his expensive car and tells you all about making money online as he walks into his very expensive house. It seemed a little too good to be true. The school of thought on this seems to be it only works for some or “it takes money to make money.”

In 2018, I wanted to start a website based off of some of my interests and hobbies. When I approached the subject of a website I only thought about it in the way of another hobby that would cost me money. I never knew that I could take that hobby website and actually make money with it, especially when I had nothing to sell. This is how I was introduced to affiliate marketing.

I believe it may have been my searches for how to make a website for my hobbies that lead me to have the add played for me. I went on to research the company that was in the add to find out it wasn’t really that great a deal for making money. At least it wasn’t so for someone in my tax bracket. It turned out to be one of those companies that try to get you in the door and up sell you till you give up with only a hand full of investors actually getting the system to work for them.

The truth is that you are more than capable to make money online in you have a few things:

  1. A website
  2. Good work ethic
  3. The right training
  4. Patience
  5. You don’t give up easy
  6. Time

If you posses these things and qualities than you are more than able to make a living (not just money) working online. Affiliate marketing is just one of many ways you can truly become free in marketing.


When I go to Google looking for an answer I want to make sure that there is someone with a website that will give me the answer and information I need. There are billions of people online right now all over the world. Just about any niche or hobby you can think of should have several websites giving information about them.

It would be bad in my opinion to have Ford.com as the only place I could go to in order to find information on the new Mustang. Isn’t it better that there are dozens of sites that give all the information you would ever want about that car from specifications to modifications that can be made? You want the good, the bad, and the ugly about a topic so you can make a decision whether it is something you are interested in. Is it not also fun having websites that compare things like a Mustang to a Camero? Variety is the spice of life.

If more people are online talking about their interests and their passions then there is always going to be more variety for me to find no matter what the topic is that I might search. Your website might just be the next one I visit for cooking recipes or how to build a tree house.


The purpose of this site is to be able to help people succeed online no matter what it is that they start out trying to do. Whether you want to share a hobby, support your business, or create a whole new marketing business online, we want to help. We want to make sure you have as many as the tools necessary at your disposal to use.

For as many places that there are online to help you there seems to be five that want to sell you their get-rich-quick scheme. I want you to use this site for free education and stop back frequently as the content is always going to be updated with the newest practices in online marketing.

We will look at different programs and see what they really have to offer and maybe help you avoid some pitfalls along the way. It is easy to get distracted by the next shiny thing to come along on the internet when it comes to making money. We are here for you to bounce ideas off of and get safe answers to any of your web marketing questions.

If you ever need a hand or have any questions, feel free to leave them below and I will be more than happy to help you out.

All the best,



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